Maps in XCTrack

TL;DR How to install the maps

Preferences > Maps > Road Maps > Manage maps. There is a link to OpenAndroMaps, pick your map and tap on the “Install other” button.

Don’t forget to activate road maps in a map widget: swipe down, select Customize, double-click the map widget and check the Display road map option.

Here is the video of the process:

Check the Air3 manual if you have some troubles. Don’t miss the video how to download and install maps.


XCTrack from version 0.7 (and alpha 0.6.0-675) supports road maps. It uses the VTM library. As a result it supports maps in a mapsforge format (the same as Locus, OruxMaps, Cruiser, etc.).

If you are using other software that supports mapsforge maps 1 2 you only need to configure XCTrack to look into the appropriate directory (Preferences > Maps > Road map > Select mapsforge files). When a directory is selected it will be recursively searched and all map files found will be used. Unfortunately this is valid only for Android < 10, thanks Google!

You can download the maps of the whole world from several map providers.


The library provides different built-in themes for the maps (Preferences > Maps > Road map > Map theme). We decided to use Zsolt’s Hyperpilot theme as a default map theme for white color schemes because it is optimized for flying.

However, you can use a custom one (Map theme > Custom file) and Hyperpilot is a good place to start for creating your own theme.

More about map themes:

Keep in mind that using large custom theme can prolong the initialization time of a map widget (see issue VTM#431 for details).

If you have created and tuned a theme for flying, let us know and we will happily host/link it!


XCTrack currently supports only one widget per page with the road map enabled. It is a library limitation, see issue VTM#194 for details.


If you have any problem with the road maps try the Cruiser application first. The Cruiser GL application uses VTM library too and it is developed by the VTM library developers. If the Cruiser GL application does not work either, we probably cannot fix it in XCTrack.

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